Is online therapy also just reimbursed?

“Is online therapy also just reimbursed?”

As therapists, we always find it quite distressing to hear this question. Not because we don’t know or don’t want to answer this. We do not like this question because it shows that the potential cost of therapy is an obstacle for some people.

As healthcare workers, we find this very unpleasant to hear. The fact that there are people who have and continue to have symptoms because the cost is getting in the way of their treatment and healing is something we find horrifying.

In our opinion, good (mental) health care should be available to everyone, regardless of circumstances!

But unfortunately we too know the reality, cost can sometimes be a factor. For this reason, we have done our utmost to make all reimbursements available to our clients that are available from the government or insurance companies.

We explain in this article exactly what this means for you.

Online psychological care at GGZ online is reimbursed in the same way

We are a specialized mental health institution recognized by the Ministry of Health. This means that the government recognizes that we do our diagnosing and matching care, according to the guidelines of our profession.

Because of this, we also fall within the same reimbursement structure as practices that do mental health care the “regular” way. Our therapy therefore falls within the coverage of the basic health insurance policy. For this, it does not matter which health insurance company you are insured with.

The recommended prices for specialist mental health care are set annually in the Netherlands by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA). We are often below these rates, which reduces the co-payment for our care.

For a natura policy, insurers usually pay about 70% of the NZa rate for non-contracted care. This is often higher with a refund policy, which usually reimburses 100%. As a result, clients with an in-kind policy will in many cases have to pay part of the treatment costs themselves. We call this the co-payment. Further, the deductible applies.

Cost of online mental health care

Thus, the cost for online mental health care is the same as for mental health care that is not provided online. With us, you will receive an invoice after the treatment with the cost and its specification. You can submit this to your health insurance company and use this reimbursement to pay the bill. Please take into account the possible own contribution in case your health insurance company does not reimburse 100% of the costs.
In order to receive reimbursement for care, it is important that you are referred to us by your general practitioner or a psychiatrist. If you have such a referral, mental health care will be reimbursed.
is online therapy reimbursed

At GGZonline, we offer specialty mental health services.

Online therapy at GGZ online

We hope to have explained to you how the costs and reimbursement are arrived at. Thus, online care is no more expensive and is not less reimbursed from than other forms of psychological therapy.

We also hope that as many people as possible who would benefit from mental health care will take the step to actually find that care We are here to inform you about what we can do in your situation. We would like to get in touch with you, because in our opinion everyone has the right to good care.

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