Diagnosis by specialists

Step 2 in the process is to make the diagnosis. After we have successfully received a non-binding informative meeting and/or your application in good order, the diagnosis follows. We explain below how this works.


How will my diagnosis be made?

After we have made an appointment and you have been sent a questionnaire and filled it out (see step 1), you will receive, a few days prior to the appointment, an email explaining how you can easily log in to Webcamconsult. This is our secure online treatment practice.

During the first online appointment, the psychologist goes through the diagnostic process with you to arrive at a complete diagnosis. If necessary, multiple appointments will be made to properly assess the complaint and symptoms. At regular intervals in the process, a directing clinician is involved. This person directs the entire care process and ensures that the treatment plan is properly implemented.

The final diagnosis is made with a multidisciplinary team of practitioners who have been involved in the diagnostic process. Together with the client and the directing clinician, the psychologist draws up a treatment program and schedules follow-up appointments.

Our step-by-step process

register ggz online

1. Application

The first step in the process is to sign up. This can be done through your doctor or by signing up yourself.

> To login

diagnosis ggz online

2. Diagnosis

In the first online appointment, we establish the diagnosis. This forms the basis for further treatment.

> To diagnosis

online treatment ggz

3. Online treatment

Then the intensive online treatment starts. This is done familiarly from within your own environment.

> To online treatment