Registration at GGZonline

In order to start treatment at GGZonline, the following must occur.

Step 1
Sign up online through the website.

Step 2
Provision of a referral letter by your primary care physician. Your primary care physician can give the referral letter to you, but it is better if he sends the referral letter via Zorgdomein. That’s a well-secured, digital environment that we can access. You then don’t have to send anything yourself.

Step 3
After steps 1 & 2 are complete, we will contact you to schedule the first appointment to establish a diagnosis. This will take place on short notice as we have no waiting lists.

Step 4
We will then send a digital questionnaire to you. You will complete this questionnaire before the first appointment.

This is followed by the first treatment: the diagnosisRegister here

(*Check in your health insurance company’s policy conditions whether you need to apply for permission for treatment in advance. Or call the customer service of your health insurer. Please take into account a Personal Contribution of 25-30%)

Our step-by-step process

register ggz online

1. Application

The first step in the process is to sign up. This can be done through your doctor or by signing up yourself.

> To login

diagnosis ggz online

2. Diagnosis

In the first online appointment, we establish the diagnosis. This forms the basis for further treatment.

> To diagnosis

online treatment ggz

3. Online treatment

Then the intensive online treatment starts. This is done familiarly from within your own environment.

> To online treatment