Online therapy for depression: Effective, flexible and no waiting list

Effective, flexible and no waiting list

About 19% of Dutch people report having suffered from depression at some point in their lives. Depression often has a major impact on life, making it important to get help quickly. For this you can contact us.

We use online therapy sessions which allows us to provide good care quickly, effectively and flexibly. Good to mention here is that there are no waiting lists with us.

Wondering exactly how this works? In this article we would like to tell you more about this because we notice that our clients are very happy with the online help we offer.

online therapy sessions

What is depression?

The most characteristic symptom of depression is predominant gloom. A secondary phenomenon is a decrease in interest in the people and things in the environment. In addition, it often no longer manages to enjoy things, the pleasure is gone.

There are many other symptoms, such as being irritable, having trouble concentrating, feeling like you have no worth, or lack of energy, for example. This can vary greatly from person to person, so depression can be completely different in each person.

When we look at the cause of depression, it is easy to see that there is no single cause. Often there are multiple factors involved. These include heredity, drastic events, personal factors or, for example, physical characteristics such as hormone balance.

These different causes mean that every situation and therefore every treatment is different. However, scientific research has shown that it does not matter for the content and effectiveness of treatment whether it is delivered online or offline [Ruwaard et al, 2015, clinical psychology].

What does treatment at GGZonline look like?

Before you can come to us, it is important to ask for a referral letter from the family doctor. The doctor can arrange this after the online registration process, or you can arrange this yourself before you register with us.

After registering with GGZonline, the first appointment is made in consultation. During this appointment, your situation will be discussed and, if necessary, a diagnosis will be made. Based on the diagnosis, the treatment plan can then be established.

The entire treatment with us will take place online. This means that the appointments can be followed in your own familiar surroundings. By using secure software, we can establish a safe connection to fully guarantee the privacy of you as a client.

treatment at ggzonline

“Our goal is to provide accessible, effective and appropriate online care for everyone. Without waiting times!”

Examples of online mental health treatment for depression

Treatment is set up by the psychologist, where necessary in conjunction with a multidisciplinary team of practitioners. Treatment is specifically tailored to the client’s situation, so each treatment may look different. To give you an idea of the treatment, two examples are given below.

Online cognitive behavioral therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is often used in the treatment of depression. This is a form of therapy that focuses on learning to look at problematic situations differently. Therapy assumes that the person’s thoughts and behaviors perpetuate the problems. This form of therapy involves the use of various exercises, as well as conversation.
Online EDMR
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, also known as EMDR, is a therapy that can be used when long term suffering from shocking experiences is experienced. This therapy helps to properly process the shocking experience. During the session, you are asked to go back to this experience, while at the same time a distraction is present. This distraction causes unpleasant memories to be stored less violently.

Online depression therapy at GGZonline

Our goal is to provide accessible, effective and appropriate online care for everyone. Without waiting times!

In order to offer this in the best possible way, you can also make appointments with us in the evenings and on weekends. Our therapy is therefore both flexible and effective and can also be followed in your own familiar surroundings.

Do you still have questions or are you curious about what we can do for you? Then contact us quickly, because we are here for you.

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