Client satisfaction

Our client satisfaction figure is determined annually based on the so-called CQi index. In the Consumer Quality index (CQi), GGZonline clients answer questions about their experiences. And related the care they received. This index measures quality aspects of
mental health care (SGGZ) from the perspective of you as the client. We care deeply about client satisfaction and we monitor this closely.

The CQi test is used by a healthcare provider to map out where clients have good experiences and where improvements can still be made.

The overall score is on a scale of 1 to 10.

For the year 2020-2021, we receive from our clients the report mark: 8.21 The most recent report mark 2022 is 8.36

client satisfaction

What do we do?

GGZonline is a fully online mental health institution. We provide specialist mental health services (SGGZ). So we can offer longer treatments. We are a nationwide diagnostic and treatment center. We treat clients with a mental health condition such as a
anxiety disorder
. Each health insurance company reimburses most of the costs (about 80%). We do not have waiting lists, so you can be dealt with quickly. Our treatment includes cognitive behavioral therapy, schema therapy and EMDR.

We work fully online following the latest innovations such as secure image calling, e-learning and e-health. This makes us a healthcare facility without a physical location. So that offers a lot of convenience for you. We are recognized by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport as a WTZi institution (GGZ institution).

About GGZonline

A quick introduction. GGZonline is a nationwide online Specialist Mental Health Treatment Center for clients with suspected mental illness. Our goal is to provide everyone, without waiting times, with appropriate and effective online treatment where results are paramount. GGZonline is recognized by the Ministry of Health : AGB Code 22221101
  • We work entirely online
  • Are an accredited mental health institution
  • Have hardly any waiting lists
  • And offer customized online treatments
ggz online

Client experiences

Female, 35 years, 2 children, married

For 4 months I had been feeling bad. I began to fret more and more and I slept poorly. Lying awake at night a lot and having less and less energy.
When I went to the family doctor for the 3rd time she said : “maybe you have a depression…”. But at the mental health institutions in my area they did have waiting lists of 6 months or longer. Well, I was horrified to hear that.

I then started searching on Google myself and that’s when I came across GGZonline. I sent a short message through the website and was called after a day. I got my intake interview after only 1 week. I am now 3 months with the treatment better and everything is going much better…!

Talking with online psychologist

Female 56 years, single, 1 child

I am sometimes very anxious. Of all kinds of unclear things. Then I wake up early and I feel this knot in my stomach…as if a big stone is pressing on it…..I have become increasingly nervous because of this. Loud noises, crowds, everything quickly becomes too much for me. But especially that fear. I went to see the psychologist who works in my family doctor’s practice a few times. She said I have an anxiety disorder and that I should be referred to the Specialized Mental Health Care. Unfortunately, it was January and I could only come to the 1st interview in May…. I didn’t want that. I started looking on the internet and that’s when I came across GGZonline. On the website it says they have no waiting lists. And indeed, I registered and could start treatment after 1.5 weeks. The treatments are online, so I don’t have to travel and I’m just in my own familiar surroundings. I had a very nice and personal contact with my online psychologist. After 3 months I finished the treatment. I am doing fine now….!

Male, 26 years old, studying, single

I am in the final year of my studies in International Business. Pretty tough that last year. But especially the last 2 years have been very tough. Because of that Corona, all sorts of things stopped happening. You see fewer and fewer people. And the combination of stress and tension with that loneliness killed me. Eventually, my thoughts became increasingly gloomy, I slept worse and worse, and I was tired all day. The whole rhythm you should normally have was gone. My thoughts grew darker and more hopeless. The family doctor wanted me to be treated at the mental health center in our area, but they have a long waiting list. I wanted to be helped quickly, because otherwise I saw my graduation in jeopardy. A friend of mine had seen on the Internet that at GGZonline there was no waiting list. Fortunately, I was able to start quickly. The online psychologist understood well what my problem was. I have been in treatment for over 2 months now and my therapist at GGZonline says I can complete treatment next month. I am totally going to graduate this year…!

Male, 41, married, 2 children.
I became quite ill with Covid-19 a year ago. Spent 9 days in the hospital. Fortunately not in intensive care but I did get oxygen. After that, I kept having unclear symptoms. Before I got sick I had a lot of stress but now I also had a lot of anxiety. It started to get worse and worse. I have been to the psychologist at our medical center(POH) about 6 times and she decided to ask the GP to refer me to the GGZ for treatment of anxiety disorder. 4.5 months on the waiting list, I had to take that into account, the family doctor said. Then I started searching on my own and found GGZonline. Fortunately, GGZonline has no waiting list! They do all the treatments online. I thought that would be easy. No travel etc. I could come for an interview after only 1.5 weeks (online) and the treatment started immediately. The total treatment lasted 3.5 months and I have recovered quite a bit. The psychologist also used EMDR and as a result my anxiety disappeared very quickly.

Female, 62, married
I still work as an English teacher. A very nice job, but tough.
My husband stopped working last year but I still have to keep going until I’m 67
When my mother passed away from Corona last fall, my world collapsed. She had always been my great support. Then things started to get worse and worse for me. And I wasn’t sleeping anymore, I was losing as much as 12 pounds and my mind was spinning in circles. I thought badly of myself and badly of the future. Then it all seems unsolvable. I then started searching on google because I thought I was depressed and I wanted information about that. I came across the GGZonline website. I asked the family doctor for a referral and was able to start quickly. The treatments were online and I was able to combine that well with the times I am in front of the class. My treatment lasted 5 months , I feel completely well again and I did not have to call in sick at school. That was kind of important to me because I teach the HAVO exam class.