Our online psychological treatment for postpartum depression

Our online psychological treatment for postpartum depression

Our online psychological treatment for postpartum depression Contact us directly Online psychological treatment for postpartum depression Did you give birth and feel gloomy and sad, empty or guilty? Do you feel you are a bad mother or experience negative feelings...

Client experiences

Female, 35 years, 2 children, married For 4 months I had been feeling bad. I began to fret more and more and I slept poorly. Lying awake at night a lot and having less and less energy. When I went to see the family doctor for the 3rd time she said : “maybe you...

Referrers and clients welcome at GGZ Wijzer

Referrers and clients who suspect they have a mental illness are welcome to experience GGZ Wijzer’s online services starting in May 2020. Registration will take you to an online appointment calendar where you can schedule your own 1st appointment with a...